August 26th, 2021
JXTX Foundation Awards Scholarships for Genome Informatics 2021

JXTX: The James P. Taylor Foundation for Open Science is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2021 JXTX Scholarships. The JXTX Foundation provides support for students to attend conferences in computational biology and data science, where they can present their work and form connections with other researchers in the field.
Ten genomics and data sciences graduate students from around the globe were awarded the second set of JXTX scholarships. These awardees will present their work at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) Genome Informatics Conference being held November 3-6. Awardees represent ten institutions and are presenting a wide range of research at the meeting.
In addition to covering conference registration, awardees will also be paired with senior researchers in the field prior to the conference. Awardees and mentors will meet before and during the conference to establish what we hope will become long term relationships.

Chujia Chen
Virginia Tech, Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology
Marker-assisted mapping enables forward genetic analysis in Aedes aegypti, an arboviral vector with vast recombination deserts.

Caitlin Harrigan
Computer Science, University of Toronto
Dirichlet allocation of mutations as a function of both damage and DNA repair

Raquel Reisinger
MD/PhD program, University of Utah
Transforming pedigrees to Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs): a new tool for genetic disease discovery

Sergio Andreu Sánchez
Department of Genetics, University Medical Center Groningen
Genetic, parental and lifestyle factors influence telomere length

About JXTX: The James P. Taylor Foundation for Open Science
“The most important job of senior faculty is to mentor junior faculty and students.” These are the words that Professor James P. Taylor, the Ralph S. O’Connor Professor at the Departments of Biology and Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University said and lived by. This, he believed, was imperative to advance science, and in a way that facilitated diversity and inclusion. The mission of this foundation is to continue his legacy, through a multifaceted approach which will be unrolled across several stages.
Towards the goal of advancing mentorship, the JXTX Foundation will organize and host mentoring sessions between senior and junior faculty members at select high-profile meetings. The Foundation also aims to attract new scholars, including high school and undergrad students, to computational biology and data science, and to form connections and opportunities for members of underrepresented minority populations.
According to his colleagues, James hated self-promotion. But the community would be done a grave disservice if the seeds planted by Dr.Taylor were not nourished to grow and flourish. Thank you to those who have generously contributed.
Please consider making a donation to support James Taylor’s legacy.